# ALESCo Meeting Minutes (2024-09-04)
Minutes recorded by Jonathan Wright.
Edited by Jonathan Wright for publishing.
# Members
# ALESCo Member Attendees
- Jonathan Wright
- Cody Robertson
- Andrew Lukoshko
- Elkhan Mammadli
- Ben Thomas
- Neal Gompa
# Board Attendees
- benny Vasquez
# Community Attendees
- Lance Albertson
# Decisions Adopted
- KVM will be supported on POWER in AlmaLinux 10.
- Unanimous decision
# Minutes
Cody: Old business: tabled discussion about adding SPICE to EL9 from previous meeting
- Andrew: too early to decide, built for 10 but haven't tested yet
- Cody: will table indefinitely/for a month or two
Cody: will revisit times for meetings this week
Cody: alesco chair
- Jonathan: nominates Cody
- vote: unanimous
Lance: kvm on power on el9, currently maintaining own patches
- Elkhan/Andrew: we're doing this sort of now internally, not published/maintained
- Elkhan: have you noticed any issues?
- Lance: haven't tested much yet, don't have el9 live on infra yet, seems fine so far
- Jonathan: dropped from 10 as well?
- Andrew: yes
- Neal: maybe should skip 9 and aim for 10
- Jonathan to lance: can you skip to 10?
- Lance: dependent upon rdo, probably would have to keep patching manually
- Neal: let's push as much as we can upstream to centos kernel
- Lance: power 8 support in el10? It got dropped