# name of SIG
[insert the SIG's purpose here]
# How to Join
Joining is easy! You can show up to a meeting, pick up an issue from the list by assigning it to yourself, or ask questions in chat! Not every contributor wants to be a part of the SIG, but if you do, joining is simple.
Where we chat
We use $platform for communication. [ this should either be a link to the SIG chat room on mattermost, or the mailing list on lists.almalinux.org ]
Where and when we meet
Meetings are... [ this should be a general day/time/cadence, and indicate how one might join this meeting if they'd like, or use "We do not currently hold regular meetings, but work asynchronously in mattermost to accomplish our goals." ]
# Activities, projects, and deliverables
[ this should be the thing or list of things you expect to be responsible for ]
# Help wanted
Contributions take all kinds of shapes and sizes, and we welcome everyone! If you have expertise or time and would like to help us out, here are a few things that need help soon, and a place where you can find more information.
[ either a list of things or a link to a project/task tracker should go here ]
# SIG members
- [name](either email address or mattermost chat link) - SIG lead
- [name](either email address or mattermost chat link) - member
(you can also include additional information about other folks that help your SIG or are involved in some way here)
# Additional information for SIG application approval
- Timeline for when you would like to get things rolling for this group, and how quickly you expect to see motion on your Activities, projects, and deliverables.
- Any known resources (monetary or infrastructure) that you anticipate needing, and how they will be used.
[ You can add anything additional you feel is important here as well ]