# Help translating the site
The almalinux.org website (opens new window) localization and translation is managed by Weblate (opens new window) and supported by contributors. The translations that get submitted through Weblate are automatically submitted to the almalinux.org repo (opens new window) as a pull request.
Pull requests from Weblate are reviewed by a member of the marketing SIG or another team lead, and merged as appropriate.
If you would like to help contribute to translations, you can do so by following the directions below!
# Create an account
First you need to create a Weblate (opens new window) account. You could use accounts from other service providers or fill in the form shown below to create it.
# Starting to translate
After creating an account we need to head to AlmaLinux Foundation Weblate (opens new window):
Choosing each one of the two should send you to a page similar to the image below.
Then choose the language you want to translate to. For this example, I'll choose Hebrew (opens new window).
After translating from English to your chosen language (.e.g Hebrew) press on "Save and continue" and your translation will be sent eventually as a PR to the almalinux.org repo (opens new window) and reviewed by a member of the marketing SIG or another team lead, then merged as appropriate.
# Request new languages
You can request new languages to be added by creating a ticket in GitHub issues (opens new window), like so: