# Certification SIG
The Certification SIG is focused on creating and maintaining standards and procedures related to hardware and software certification for AlmaLinux OS.
# How to Join
Email a SIG member or show up on the chat. Occasionally there are non-disclosure agreements with hardware vendors, so some chats/meeting might be private, but SIG members will do their best to welcome everyone as fully as possible.
Where we chat
We use mattermost SIG/Certification (opens new window) channel for communication and all are welcome there.
Where and when we meet
Meetings are approximately every fortnight. If there's nothing confidential in the next meeting agenda a SIG member will happily welcome you along and provide time and meeting URL information. You can also find details about the next meeting on the events site: Certification SIG meetings (opens new window)
# Activities, projects, and deliverables
The SIG is responsible for, and maintains the following:
- Hardware Certification Program (opens new window)
- This program allows for the Certification SIG to engage with IHVs to certify hardware for AlmaLinux OS.
- AlmaLinux/Certifications (opens new window)
- This repo is the primary point of contact for the SIG, stores the certification results, and is the location for certification requests that are not initiated by the foundation or and IHV. It is also the source for the Hardware Certification Program documentation.
- AlmaLinux/Hardware-Certification-Suite (opens new window)
- This repo houses the certification suite itself, and documentation, issues tracking, and related code snippets.
- Certification SIG Board (opens new window)
- This board provides an asynchronous method of communication, allowing for more flexible timelines, especially for international participants. Additionally, the GitHub platform serves as a mechanism for organizations to collaborate with the SIG on making certification requests from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs).
- Mattermost chat - SIGs/Certifcation (opens new window)
- This acts as the primary way for the community to engage with each other (including the SIG members) for work on certifications or the certification suite. The most collaborative place for the SIG is this chat room. This room is also bridged to matrix on #sig-certification:almalinux.im (opens new window)
- Private certification mailing list
- The (certification-sig@lists.almalinux.org) mailing list acts as a private place for the Certification SIG to communicate with IHVs and ISVs. If you require your interaction with the SIG to be private (for example, if you are working with the SIG under NDA), you may reach out here.
# Help wanted
Contribute to testing: "Community Validated"
In addition to the certification processes with IHVs managed by the AlmaLinux OS Foundation (ALOSF), we encourage community involvement in hardware testing. Individuals with access to hardware that we have yet to certify are encouraged and invited to participate. This not only amplifies the scope of our hardware compatibility and validates the strength of the certification suite, but also shows IHVs the types and scope of the AlmaLinux user base.
Hardware that has been certified without input from the IHV will be described on the AlmaLinux website with a "Community Certified" status. This serves as a first confirmation of compatibility until a relationship with the IHV can be confirmed, and provides users with confidence in hardware compatibility.
Once the certification suite has been run, results should be shared through a pull request to the Certifications (opens new window) repo.
More ways to contribute:
- Contributions towards expanding the AlmaLinux Hardware Certification Suite (opens new window) to represent a meaningful range of hardware and Linux hardware driver tests that an end user would expect a certification to cover.
- Help spin up the software certification program.
- Confirm or provide updates to results submitted and listed on the website already.
# SIG members
- Jonathan Wright - SIG lead
- Justin Boffemmyer - member
- Akitsu Izawa - member
- Simon John - member
- Neal Gompa - member
On Leave:
- Asaka Matsumoto - member