######last updated: 2024-04-22
# Core SIG
The Core team is responsible for the AlmaLinux OS distribution itself. This includes, but is not limited to building new distribution versions, delivering updates, core tooling development, and maintenance.
# How to Join
Joining is easy! You can show up to a meeting, pick up an issue from the list by assigning it to yourself, or ask questions in chat! Not every contributor wants to be a part of the SIG, but if you do, joining is simple.
Where we chat
The Core SIG uses the SIG/Core (opens new window) chat channel for communication.
Where and when we meet
We meet on Google Meet every other Tuesday at 16:00 UTC. If you would like to join, join the chat and ask for an invite!
# Activities, projects, and deliverables
- The AlmaLinux OS distribution.
- The mirrors infrastructure: AlmaLinux/mirrors (opens new window).
- The migration script: AlmaLinux/almalinux-deploy (opens new window).
- Bug reports processing: bugs.almalinux.org (opens new window).
# Help wanted
- Technical writers for working on announcements, security bulletins, wiki articles and so on.
- RPM packagers/maintainers.
- Bug reports processing: collecting information, reproducing, escalating to developers, communicating upstream, etc.
- Design and automate test scenarios: Ansible, Bats (opens new window), Bash, CI/CD, Testinfra (opens new window), Packer (opens new window), Python, AWS, Azure, etc.
- Bash and Python developers for working on distribution tooling.
- Python, PostgreSQL developers for working on our monitoring/build systems and other projects.
If you can help, please join us at Core SIG on Mattermost (opens new window)
# SIG members
- Andrew Lukoshko - The AlmaLinux OS Lead Architect.
- Chat login: alukoshko (opens new window)
- GitHub profile: andrewlukoshko (opens new window)
- Jack Aboutboul - The AlmaLinux OS community manager.
- Chat login: themayor (opens new window)
- GitHub profile: jaboutboul (opens new window)
- Eduard Abdullin - The release and automation engineer.
- Chat login: eabdullin (opens new window)
- GitHub profile: eabdullin1 (opens new window)
- Stepan Oksanichenko - The software developer and automation engineer.
- Chat login: stepan_oksanichenko (opens new window)
- GitHub profile: soksanichenko (opens new window)
- Simon John - Security Standards Architect.
- Chat login: sej7278 (opens new window)
- GitHub profile: sej7278 (opens new window)